Tired of feeling overwhelmed and exhausted?
Are you ready to feel nourished, whole, and amazing in your skin?
It's time to harness the incredible power of your body to:
* magnify your own personal power
* cultivate more energy and creativity
* be more present with your loved ones
* have more fun and connection with yourself and in your relationships
Join the 21 Days of Sensual Self Care
Do you ever find yourself at the bottom of the list?
Yes, you have good intentions of taking care of yourself, but the hectic schedule of life, work, kids, and commitments has gotten in the way.
I can relate - I've been there myself.
It's been a bit crazy over here, and I typically take really amazing care of myself.
But dealing with a sick kiddo and having a lot less time to work due to her being home, meant that ever spare minute I'd be working, or folding laundry, or cleaning up a kid craft explosion, and realized I got out of my self care rituals.
Thankfully - I can tell when this happens.
Unfortunately - usually it is due to blowing a gasket.
This is a wake up call for myself, and so I know its time to launch Operation ME.
We all know that we can better take care of others when we are taking care of ourselves.
If you're looking to get back on track - you can join the 21 Days of Sensual Self Care.
Every day you will recieve some amazing rituals to feel more sensual and sexy in your skin, and tap into more energy and patience so you can enjoy more PRESENCE with yourself and your loved ones.
Want IN?
- YES!
- I'm ready to create healthy rituals to nurture my holistic health and sexual health
- I want helpful daily tips to keep me on track
- I want an easy to follow tracker and system for creating new daily rituals
- I'm excited to learn how these rituals help me have more energy and stay on course with my goals
- I want to learn how to be more efficient with my time so I can be more present with my loved ones
- I want to emerge from these 21 days renewed, refreshed, feeling amazing and full of vitality and energy!
" I was completely blown away by Amanda and the power of connecting with our
amazing group of women each week. I feel more open, more playful, more creative, more in
touch with my authentic self. Amanda is the most caring and imaginative leader. She goes
above and beyond to create an intimate and impactful experience for each woman. Get
Amanda into your life, stat! Your body, your spirit, and all of the people in your life will thank
you for it."Rachel Sizemore Sex, Love and Relationship Coach + Host of the podcast Ripen
Amanda Testa is one of the most sensuous and generous women that I have ever known. I jumped into a six week session of Find Your Feminine Fire not knowing quite what to expect, but wanting some of whatever she was having! The experience delighted me at every turn, not only offering the opportunity to dive under the surface with a group of women each week and to learn practices for enhancing feminine presence and pleasure, but also providing a treasury of resources for deepening and expanding on the experience over time. FYFF was everything I might have hoped for and so much more! -Lea Bett
Lea Bett thelifeworklab.com
"I BREATHE easier when I’m around Amanda. I know that sounds funny, but after personally
experiencing her magic in the Find Your Feminine Fire course, I felt more connected than ever
to my own power as a woman to seduce, receive, and love the world to life. With Amanda,
her presence is her juju. You have to be inside a space she creates to know the full
transforming energy of this woman!"Tiffany Josephs Mentor + Illuminator at tiffanyjosephs.com
“Find your Feminine Fire came into my life at the right moment. I was feeling pretty drained in my life as a full time mom and struggling with intimacy with myself and my marriage. Not only did Amanda provide a warm, safe, non-judgmental space for a group of women to come together to release, come clear with any blockage, and connect but I also received some amazing tools to help start the process of release, forgiveness, self-acceptance, embracing our inner feminine, and creating positive sexual experiences. So if you’re missing that spark, that fire you know you have so deeply inside of you, I highly recommend Amanda’s services!”
Lesley Lefkowitz Teacher, Entrepreuer, Mama & Dancer
Join The Course Today Only $249 $11!
Rituals will be emailed to you daily!
I know you are a very busy woman. You have lots on your plate. I commend you for being here and exploring how to make yourself a priority again!
I want to assure you that I can relate to where you are. I know what it is like to feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and wondering "is this really my life?"
I found myself here a few years ago. I thought I was doing everything I was supposed to do. I'd done all the things, gone to all the personal development seminars, spent years in therapy, read all the books, and still something was missing. I still woke up unhappy most days. (even though from the outside all looked great.)
I realized I was totally disconnected from myself as a women. From the primordial energy we all have out our fingertips. My feminine fire was petering out.
Thankfully I found a different way. A way to use my unique feminine gifts to support me in my goals.
And what it comes down to, simply,
is dusting off all the baggage that we put on ourselves.
Dusting off the overwhelm, the constant taking care of everyone else, and dusting of a little shame and guilt to revel the radiant energy that has always been there.
We all have this capacity to tap into this energy. This power. Our Feminine Fire as I like to call it.
I know as a busy woman being tired is a REAL Challenge. Its hard to manage all we have on our plates.
I'm a debutante from GA, I never thought I’d be a sex and relationship coach! But after the profound shifts I noticed in my life from this work around embracing my sexuality and who I am as a woman, I thought WHY?
Why doesn’t every women have access to this knowledge? This is something every woman should know.
Why are we taught to be so afraid of our bodies and our sexuality?
It's a gift to learn to harness this power to tune into our worth. Our divine worthiness. Our sensuality, our own unique sacred gifts as women.
Tapping into my Feminine Fire allowed me to truly own my confidence, my radiance, my power, and to use this to fuel my desires and enjoy a deep presence and connection with my loved ones.
What ever you focus on and bring attention to , tends to change for the better, and the more you accept and integrate all parts of you as a whole, the more successful you will be in your life.
This is why I've created this group program, to tap into the most vibrant version of yourself.
So Join me for 21 Days of Sensual Self Care
Own your power. Own your worth. Life the life you desire.