There is so much talk about self love out there. But what does it really mean?
For me, it means to truly and deeply accept and appreciate all the parts of yourself.. physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually.
Wow. Sounds big. To truly love all those parts.
But… it’s possible. Yes, it may be a journey, but it IS possible.
Maybe at first its really really HARD. It may be hard to look into the mirror and like what you see. But over time, if you commit to acceptance… it will change.
Many of us didn’t get a lot of validation when we were little, so we have to go in and rewire that voice inside. Instead of hearing the ugly mean voice, we can allow it to have its say, but then choose to listen to the voice inside that WE create. The voice that IS loving, accepting, kind, and empowering.
Creating a consciously loving internal ecosystem is a step by step process to recognize that safety, love and belonging will still be intact even if you love yourself fully. It takes time. Here are some simple steps to get started.
Notice your thoughts…when they are mean or unkind, try and say the opposite to yourself and see how that feels. For example, you may put on a shirt, and the voice says… you look fat in that shirt. You can say thanks, but I feel great in this shirt and know I look good. Start to pivot those thoughts when they arise and see how you feel.
Where may this empowered part of you live in your body? For me it’s in my upper back. I visualize it as these gorgeous, powerful wings that can wrap around me and comfort me and hold me in love and acceptance.
Take a moment to feel into your body. Close your eyes. Take 5 deep breaths in and out. Now start to notice the sensations in your body. Ask yourself out loud, where does the empowered part of me live? Notice if you feel any response. Maybe you don’t at first, but maybe you feel a twinge somewhere.. a warmth, a swirling, a twitch… just listen to your body for a moment.
Now really focus in on this area. What do you notice about the sensation? Can you describe it out loud? Does it have any words of wisdom for you? What is one kind thing you can do for yourself in this moment?
Do that thing.
Keep tuning in and keep doing that thing, and over time you will start to notice the relationship you have with yourself start to change.
Let me know how this practice goes for you, I look forward to hearing where your empowered part lives!
You may also enjoy this guided visualization I created on self love. Tune in HERE and in 15 minutes you will feel more at peace with yourself.