FooD + Body Freedom
If you’re ready to find freedom around food, feel more confident in your body, then tune into this week’s episode as I talk with my friend Audra Baker about loving your body, even if that includes losing weight, in a SANE way while ditching diet culture.
Listen below, or tune in via: Apple Podcasts,Stitcher or Spotify.
In this episode you'll discover
Audra is a triple Certified Trauma Informed Master Coach, Yoga Teacher, and Breathworker specializing in Eating Psychology, Love, Sex, & Relationships.
She works with professional women who have success in other areas of their life, but they can’t seem to figure out this whole “body thing”.
She’s helped hundreds of busy women show up for themselves, ditch dieting and heal the deeper reasons they overeat, overdrink, and self sabotage in the first place, while building confidence, worthiness, and esteem so they can finally feel freedom with food, actually like their body, lose weight for the last time, and experience as much success with their body as they do with their career. Connect with Audra HERE. Find her on Facebook, and on Insta!
Join in the discussion on this episode and more in my free Facebook Group, Find Your Feminine Fire HERE.
Listen here or tune in via Apple Podcasts, Stitcheror Spotify.
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