Reconnecting with your inner unicorn
with Elizabeth Claire De lune
If you’re craving an energetic reboot, deep connection to desire, or a place to prance in all your glory - grab your glitter. Let’s ride.
In this episode I’m talking with the amazing Elizabeth Claire De lune Sex, Love, and Relationship coach with a Ph.D. in Folklore and a passion for magical realism,
And we’re diving in to reconnecting with your Unicorn Blueprint to fully reclaim the power that’s lost when we externalize our magic, projecting it onto big stories “out there” instead of realizing the truth of it “in here.”
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Complete Transcript available below.
In this episode you'll discover
Elizabeth Claire de Lune is a Sex, Love, and Relationship coach with a Ph.D. in Folklore and a passion for magical realism, and is devoted to awakening epic support for your beautiful dreams. (In a trauma-informed, body-wise, and glitter-forward fashion. Because #fastest #funnest #obviously)
Since 2007, She's studied the function of myth, legend, and archetype. She taught it as a university professor, and now uses it today as a coach.
Elizabeth is passionate about bringing mythic-level magic into your world by reconnecting you with your Unicorn Blueprint --the unique design of the magical being you came here to be.
Connect with her and take her Unicorn Quizz HERE.
Find her on Instagram Here.
Listen to the episode here or tune in via Apple Podcasts,Stitcheror Spotify.
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Amanda Testa (00:01):
Hello, and welcome to the Find Your Feminine Fire podcast. I am your host, Amanda Testa. I am a sex love and relationship coach. And in this podcast, my guests and I talk sex love and relationships and everything that lights you up from the inside out. Welcome. Hello
Amanda Testa (00:20):
Everyone. And welcome. If you are craving an energetic reboot, deep connection to desire, or a place to prance in all your glory, grab your glitter because today we're going to be talking unicorns and magic and how to really reconnect to this unicorn blueprint inside of you, So you can reclaim the power that's lost when we externalize our magic, projecting it out there and realizing the truth that it's inside. So I am so thrilled today because I'm going to be talking with my friend and amazing colleague Elizabeth Claire De Lune. She's a Sex Love and RRelationship coach with a PhD in Folklore and a passion for magical realism. Welcome Elizabeth. Yay.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (00:58):
Thank you so much. I'm so glad to be here
Amanda Testa (01:00):
And I just love her work and how she really weaves this unicorn folklore into transformational work. And so we're going to talk all about this goodness today. And as we dive in, I would just Elizabeth Love for you to just say hello and share a little bit about why, why you're so passionate about uniforms.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (01:20):
I love that you guys thank you so much. So you already mentioned that I'm a sex love and relationship coach. I arrived to the coaching field from academia and I studied folklore and got my PhD coming from that world. And so it's really amazing to have a way to kind of combine all of these areas that I've been interested in into something that's really meaningful and really supportive for other people. It's something that I realized when I was teaching is that my real actual deep desire was to work with people who want transformation, right? Who want something different and who's like, I can match them in their and their desire. So it's really an exciting time of expansion for me. So, yeah. Was there something else that you asked me? I forgot
Amanda Testa (02:11):
How you arer weaving it all together and why in particular unicorns, which I just have to share because I, as a kid and forever was obsessed with unicorns obsessed and I had my whole wallpapered in unicorns, all the posters, all the figurines, everything. So I, and now I have a daughter who also loves unicorns, which is pretty fabulous, but I love how, you know, it actually, it's not just something for kids. And so there's really a lot of power in this mythology. And I would love if you would share a little bit about why. Yeah.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (02:41):
Oh yes. Thank you so much for that. I also loved unicorns as a child. I also had the posters and like all that probably from the same era and got super excited when they started to get popular again. And the unicorns actually showed up kind of back in my life, but a really important transition period, which we can possibly get into. But the unicorn, I think of it as an archetype, right. As a myth. And what I mean by that is there is an idea that is a sort of pillar of the way we understand our humanity, our world in the way we relate to others and to our world. Right? So when you think about archetypes, you're thinking about the queen, right? The sorceress, the priestess, the lover, the magician, right? And these are parts of ourselves that are alive, but we maybe aren't fully embodying them or fully attuned to them.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (03:31):
And when you do archetypeal work, you use that blueprint of the archetype that exists in collective consciousness to help you embody that more in your life. And so the unicorn archetype is something that I've been just really called to develop and work with for not quite a year or maybe about a year. I think it was late summer that this really started coming, ripping through my world. And what unicorns represent to me, are there five qualities that I work with there's sovereignty, right? Which to me is the way that you hold dominion over who you are in relation to other people, other things, and how you're able to create, get, receive the necessary supports to create the life that you want. Right? So you have autonomy of the life that you're creating.
New Speaker (04:23):
There is uniqueness, right? And so that's one of the key qualities of being a unicorn.When we say something is a unicorn, we mean it's really special. It's unique. It's one of a kind it's difficult to find is another way to put that. And that's something that I believe we all have, right? So you, Amanda, the way you are right now on the planet, like regardless of your spiritual beliefs, like some people believe in reincarnation or like different ways of thinking about what is the soul, what is, how are we animated on the planet, right. Even if you were to come back, right? Like you still wouldn't be just like this, right. You've never existed before. You're never going to exist again. And not, none of us are going to, and in that sense, we're all unicorns. Every single person already is a unicorn. And it's just like remembering that and knowing that and embodying that, because that brings just a huge wave of self-worth, positive self regard.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (05:21):
And we need that when we're creating the magical glittery life of our dreams, there is healing is the other quality, third quality, which is, and this is all pulling from the myths, the collective global myths of the unicorn. And then also the way it shows up in popular culture, like, what do we mean when we say something's a unicorm. Healing, which is knowing that, you know, your own wholeness, youre innate wholeness, remembering of your divinity, if you want to put it that way, right. That you're a divine soul having a human experience and not outsourcing your power to other things, places, people, right. When you actually have it all within you, the fourth quality is goodness. So this is a big one, that it was one of the pathways into the unicorn world, from the focus of my work previously, but suffice it to say, right, that there is this quality of goodness to unicorns that they're pure, that they're light, right?
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (06:24):
That they bring a beacon of hope in some way. I, this is like goodness quality. And I've worked with a lot with the women. Who've had a history of toxic relationships, been through a lot of darkness. I really am deeply called to transformational portals, to initiatory experiences. And without the perspective of, oh, but I'm like innately good. And I am like the shining light that is leading myself out of here. We can get stuck in those, in that darkness and that unawareness unconsciousness of whatever we're experiencing. And then the last quality of the unicorn is fierceness, which like you see that associated a lot within contemporary culture, you know, it's like a, a bad-ass sort of kickass unicorn. You also do see it in and myth and legend as well that they can typically, you know, don't approach a unicorn because they will run you through with their horn.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (07:21):
And that was absolutely part of the mythology as well, that there is this, all those other qualities is this goodness, there's this pure love delight often, often motherly feeling to unicorns, but they will protect their own fiercely and just run you through with that horn if they need to. Right. And so there's this fierce quality, right? And that's a really fun quality to work with. It's more of like a fiery Kali like can be kind of a Bitch energy to use a few other archetypes, right. That are adjacent to that aspect of the uniform of just being a boss and knowing how to go get claim, create cut through like cut through things, is that quality of the unicorn. So with this understanding as an adult, I retroactively look back and I'm like, oh, this is the calling, right? This is the calling that I think we all feel to this creature, to this archetype because it's right there represents this thing out there that we want to be, that we are externalizing and like, wow, how can I do and have all these things? And so what I teach people how to do is to use the blueprint that we all have access to through collective consciousness and to embody it in yourself and in your own body instead, so that you can be a unicorn in your life.
Amanda Testa (08:44):
So good. I appreciate each one of those qualities. And I think that this play of that magical creature that we all have access to. I think that's, what's so powerful to realize because we can think, well, I see this, it must be so easy for that person. Or of course this person can do that, but, but realizing that we all have access to those aspects. Okay.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (09:08):
Yeah, yeah. And that we externalize it because we don't think we can have it. And so it's just a process of figuring out how to, know, that'd we get to have it too.
Amanda Testa (09:19):
And I know, you know, you mentioned some of your work has been around, you know, kind of recovering from toxic relationships and this and that. And I'm wondering how, how do you kind of help people move through that, using this like blueprint in action, so to speak.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (09:35):
Yeah, absolutely. And the, one of the thing that popped into my mind to share when you asked about that is that healing aspect of the unicorn. And there's this really beautiful story that I'm sure you probably know from your childhood and, and anybody listening might also know which is that. And actually it's a Zoroastrian legend because in that tradition, there were, I forget the word that the, at the moment there's like sacred and profane animals, basically those are Durkheim terms, but there was some there's another term. And there were the legend where the water source for all of the animals was poisoned and nobody could drink from this water source and daily, it was getting poisoned and army like the whole animal kingdom. And so the unicorn is one of the sacred animals would come and she would dip her horn into the water. And that would clear the water and heal the water, eliminate the toxicity, the poison of the water with just by touching her horn.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (10:37):
And she had to do that every morning because it would get poisoned overnight. And in the morning, all the animals would be able to drink from the water source again. And that's there. They can live, right? You need water. It's the basic thing. So it's that same kind of concept, right? Of people who have been steeped in a toxic environment and it gets into your system, it gets into your body. And I know you work with trauma and I work with trauma as well. And I think that's a really beautiful metaphor for understanding how trauma affects your body and how it is in your cells, right. And how it's in your neurological network. And a really passionate interest of mine is how to help people resolve that and go through the stress cycles and so forth in the, the attunement and the blueprinting processes to shift into health, right, and shift into a true, healthy blueprint by moving out of those patterns.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (11:30):
And so the unicorn can be helpful for that specifically because it's the speaking of healing and goodness, and the other piece that's really relevant too, is that goodness part, because a major question that I see folks having, who have been in those relationships is questioning whether they're the toxic one, they've been gas lit, they've been pulled into dynamics, toxic dynamics, abusive dynamic, where it can get confusing. They start to blame themselves. They're like, maybe I'm the bad one. Maybe I'm the narcissist is a question that people often arrive at. And my litmus test is like, if you're even asking the question, you know, it's not you and helping them return to that. Goodness, because it can be confusing because the gaslighting, the type of dynamics that occur in those situations. So I found these tools to be really helpful for humans in that particular circumstance.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (12:24):
I'm kind of branching into helping a wide array of people, but that's very much still my path, like my passion and a lot of my one-on-one clients are still in that realm, but it's right. It's like helping remember those parts of yourself that you've forgotten because you were in those circumstances and what I've found. And you've probably seen this as well in the work that you do is that when we feel stuck, you often what helps us shift or something feels really huge. Right. So when working with a client, if it's ever, like, I cannot shift out of this, it feels so big. So overwhelming. I can't touch it again. Right. That's the thing that helps us go in is the concept of something bigger than ourselves. It could be a divine, something that could be a natural support. It could, right. Often it's a sense of something sacred or divine. And so using again, the archetype of unicorn is a really lovely efficient way to do that precisely because of what they represent.
Amanda Testa (13:24):
Ilove that. And I'm wondering too, say, someone's listening and they're like, yeah, I know that feeling of being stuck or wanting that return to goodness. And I'm wondering maybe if there is one little practice or one little tip that you could offer around kind of remembering those parts of your past self that you want to reawaken.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (13:43):
Yeah. I love that. I love that question. Ah, so this tuning into what feels right to share around this. The thing that's coming to me is,starting to attune to what your unicorn self or blueprint might be. So I kind of use the word blueprint and I talk about your unicorn self and like your unicorn as if it's not you, but it's just you. Right. But a lot of times it's easier when it's externalized. So a really helpful practice is if you're feeling super down or crappy or stressed or stuck is to visualize. If I had a unicorn, I had a unicorn guide. If you want to use that term or unicorn Valiant animal of some kind, what would they look like? And you can meditate on it. You can just close your eyes and see, what do you see? What comes up in your psyche?
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (14:37):
What is your uniform like? Do they have a name and then noticing how do you feel in the presence of the unicorn and attuning to the unicorn , What would it feel like if I could lean against this unicorn, if I could pet this unicorn's mane, if I could. Right. And so spending, basically using the unicorn as a resource to just notice in your body, how does it feel when you're attuned to that kind of archetypal goodness and support and little by little that helps your nervous system actually attune to goodness instead of the Stucky goopy, toxic stuff
Amanda Testa (15:12):
I love that so much. And just spending time thinking about what is the know criminally, what is yours? I think that's so beautiful. It actually last night, funnily enough, my daughter just has recently been really kind of afraid to go to sleep. She's just turned nine. So they have all these big brain developments then. And I think there's a lot of big questions coming up and a lot of questions about death and feeling afraid of dying. And these things are coming up all the time. And so last night when we went to bed, one of the things that always helps her is thinking about all the things that she loves and right. And so then I was asking her to tell me about her favorite unicorn. And it's so funny like what do the wings look like
Amanda Testa (15:50):
What color is the horn and what color are the hoves? And she's like clear sparkly, but it's just so funny to listen to her. And then it really, it's such a powerful resource because I think it's like you say, when you can connect to those universal things, it makes it easier. Right. It's not like you're coming up from scratch is something that's there. It's, it's more, your brain is more able to connect to it. Yeah.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (16:12):
Sometimes, right? Yeah, yeah. Right. The human psyche, right. It's expansive. And the way that it makes connections, like, as we know doing body level work, a lot of times, it's not really a rational thing. And there's, there are things in the subconscious that come up and those it's like, I think of it like a Rubik's cube. Right. Which I'm not a Rubik's cube expert. So that's maybe why I can use that metaphor because I'm just like, I don't know, turn this around and what's happening. But like, it just seems so confusing. Like I could never intellectualize my way to figure out a Rubik's cube. I think mathematicians can, but for the purpose of this metaphor, it's a mystery for me. Right. And I don't know the answer, but my psyche does, my subconscious does my body does the sensations in my body do. And all I have to do is follow those. And my body will like, Rubik's cube me back to health because that's where the body actually goes by this towards healing.
Amanda Testa (17:07):
I like that Rubik's cube analogy is helpful. Right. I think that's one of the things that can feel hard when we're going through challenging times or feeling like really stuck is that it sometimes feels like there is no health or there is no goodness or it feels just so hard to find, but it is there. Like we all have that within us, no matter what we've been through that core of goodness and original essence or health, whatever you want to call it, it's like there. Yeah. It just sometimes takes a little time to reconnect to it.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (17:37):
Yeah. And I was coming up for me too, is to also share that if there's no shame in externalizing it, right. That's part of the process. It's not like you need to push yourself to be in a place of embodying your most unicorn self. Right. That is a natural process of sometimes we don't have that available within us. And so we find it outside of us. And in my view, that's literally the way that it's meant to be like that is part of the evidence of the interconnectedness of all things and humans and nature. And we're meant to attune to natural cycles, we're meant to atune to "what do the animals do?", Right? Like how do they handle this situation? Or is there a type of animal on the planet or a cycle on the planet that I can attune to that helps me get out of where I am or feel better where I am, because you don't need to be a monolith of everything we get to be supported by those external things. And there's nothing wrong or worse
Amanda Testa (18:39):
About that. Right. And this day and age, it's important to do that because we do get so disconnected from the national environment. You know, we don't have a lot of, most of us don't have a lot of everyday interaction with those natural rhythms and routines like we used to. Right. I think people are becoming more aware of that and tried to do more of it. But for me, I know, you know, like creating a garden and being outside and I love nature and that's one of my biggest resources. So I live in Colorado. As many of you know, I broke my ankle a couple of months ago, so I'm just finally being able to walk again. And that has been so hard to not be able to use the things that normally like my normal go-tos I haven't been able to do. And so finding new ways to connect, maybe it's sitting in the backyard for awhile. It was just really just allowing myself to be out there without thinking of all the things that I needed to do out there.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (19:35):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely true.
Amanda Testa (19:38):
When I'm hiking, I don't just, I'm there for some reason when I'm in my own house or my backyard and I'm like, oh, I need to go get to the garden, but I can't get over there. I need to get back here and do this weeding. So it was such a good exercise of just being and like focusing on the good versus what needed to be done. Where can I find beauty in this experience? Like, oh, this beautiful petunia next to me, I love purple. You know, those kinds of things, little, little things like that could be. So I think sometimes we don't realize how powerful those little things can be. Like the little steps really are the big things.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (20:09):
Yeah. I love that. Love that you brought that up and it's, I mean, first of all, I'm sure you could ride a unicorn with a broken foot. So just inviting you, if that feels good to you, but second, the, a big piece that I'm really also passionate about and that's that I've seen be really effective and helpful is that everyday piece that you mentioned. So I like the term magical realism because I came from academia. I taught magical realism was one of my kind of first passions, but I also love, you know, everyday magic, like practical, magic, practical mysticism. Like these are things that I feel are really aligned with the unicorn archetype and what it's about, which is when you think about magic and when you think about fantasy or magical realism, just to use that term since it's kind of where I orient from, we think that it means it's about something that doesn't exist.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (21:03):
We think it means it's about something that is not every day, right? It is like, wow, this is a once in a lifetime. Like I find this unicorn in the woods and I'm, you know what I mean? Like as if it's something that is not usual, but magical realism as a movement was always about reality, it was a way of describing a reality. That was so unbelievable that it's like this reality is so beyond that we have to describe it in this way. Right? So from the literary movement, from Latin America, that was what it was about. And there's a whole bunch of social stuff, political stuff tied in with that, which we don't need to get into, but it's super interesting and same goes for like magic. When you talk about just magic, the practice of magic, and there's a whole bunch of different sects of magic and witchcraft and ways of talking about it.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (21:56):
So just creating a whole bunch of space and permission for it to mean different things for different people. But what it means to me is the ability to create our world, right. And to change our reality, not in a bypass disconnected way, but through these practices, like you're talking about where you have a shift in the way you relate to your world, you have a shift in the way that you view your connection to other people, right? So like a really perhaps like a better like concrete example of this would be, I think a lot of times when we've been through really difficult stuff, and this is something I've learned by working with a lot of women with this toxic relationship history and my own journey out of that history is it can really be something that defines you, right? You're a survivor of this kind or that kind, you're an actual victim of often really difficult perpetration and just really shitty stuff that I hope I can say, shitty on your podcast, beyond what even you can imagine humans could do to each other, right?
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (23:06):
Your, your, and, and we don't want to bypass that. We don't want to not process that. We don't want to pretend like it didn't happen. Right? But you reach a point in your journey where it stops being your narrative about who you are. And you're able to have come to a place of peace about it so that you can, alchemize it turn that pain into power. And then it's like just turning around and looking the other way. And it's not that the, that sunset behind you, isn't there. Right? But it's like, you're going towards something different. You're going towards your north star, your you're growing into something else. Right? And so it's not a bypassing, it's an integration. It's a shifting into this is these are experiences that helped transform me into who I am. And that's different from these experiences are who I am.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (24:02):
And it's those shifts that, that we make a lot of times through the every day. And that to me is magic, right? Because you start to create a different reality. You connect with different qualities of people. You make, there are things that you just realize, you know what, I'm no longer available for ABC in relationships. I'm in tune with my body. This doesn't feel good anymore. I know that I have worth. And so I now have the resilience within myself to say, Hey, don't treat me that way. Or I don't talk to me like that, or I'm not available for this kind of communication. And if it continues, I am going to have to stop our communication. Right? So you gain those very practical abilities to change your reality through these daily practices. And so we say magic, it does not just like Harry Potter,Like pow pow you know, , it's hard work, but it, to me is the way that we bring things from the unmanifest the imagined the archetypal, the desire world into your actual world. So I hope that I explained that if not, no,
Amanda Testa (25:09):
No, that, that made sense to me. And I'm wondering, is there one particular every day you know, something that you do every day that you love that really helps you, that would feel okay to share?
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (25:22):
Yeah. I'm I'm a sensory person. I think you might be. Also since we have a lot of the same trainings I just, that always really, really helps me. And I've spent enough time knowing what senses are especially good. I'm pretty strong, like scent person and touch person. So I make space in the morning for myself. I do something it, my morning practice varies a lot. Just I have like a rotating things that I do based on what I feel like doing, but I have a, a unicorn Oracle deck and I have a Tarot deck that I really love. And I, it sounds a little cliche, but I'm sure many people will relate, like to how grounding it feels to just pull a card in the morning. And I combine that with something sensory, like in my office, I have a really lovely, like sheep skin rug that feels so good to sit on and I like touch it.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (26:19):
And it helps me feel really grounded and cozy. I love cozy, and I have incense that I burn that I use. I've used it for so long for so many rituals and sacred practices that as soon as I smell it, my body is like sacred. It just establishes sacred space for me. And so in burning herbs and things, whenever your sacred herbs are of choice, if that really helps me just ground, be more present in my body, notice my sensations, I pull a card or multiple cards and attune to those. I put on music. That's another thing I do have my playlist that I really like. I have a unicorn quiz as well. And I, you get a playlist as a part of your quiz results. And that's why I do that is because I think music is so good for archetypeal work. So like touch, smell, sound are really helpful for me in combination with that card in the morning to just start my day. It makes a huge difference.
Amanda Testa (27:14):
It's so true. I think that, you know, whatever it is for whoever's out there, it's just finding that thing for you. That helps you connect. Cause it's it's night and day, I can tell from these past few months have been not ideal. And I haven't been able to do the normal things that I do. So it's been interesting trying to the difference when I can reconnect to it. It's amazing. And so, and it, and like you say, you do your, your, your body can have those cues. It's like, Pavlov's dog, right? It's actually scientifically proven if you put yourself in a state and then you have some kind of trigger, you're much more easily to go back into that state. So if that's relaxation or feeling grounded from just a scent can be so such a soothing and nourishing tool. I love that.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (27:55):
Yeah. Yeah. That's a good one. I just have to say, I
Amanda Testa (27:58):
Just love all this. And I'm very excited to have a little time with my unicorn fantasy this afternoon, I'm really gonna spend time with that because it's, I was doing it last night for my daughter, but I'm like, wait, I want that. I want to connect to that my own. And to be able to as well, like you say, take it, let it take me on a ride or who knows where it will take me, but I'm open.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (28:18):
Yeah. I love that. Do it. And I'm so not surprised that you were doing that with your daughter last night. Cause it happens that way. I swear, like I ran a challenge a while back and people were like walking down the street in New York city and taking a picture of a construction. And it was like unicorn construction company. Somebody does a call with me and then who I've never met before. And then they DM me later. They're like, I went to the store after our call and look what I found. And it's like a giant blowup unicorn. Right? They are there and they want to, to be of support, right. That it's the whole natural world, right? It's the archetypal wisdom of the human psyche of the human condition. It's there to benefit and to serve us and the unicorn. The unicorns absolutely show up if you, if you tune in. So I, I want to report back. I want to know.
Amanda Testa (29:09):
I just love talking with you in a minute. I want you to share more about where everyone connect with can connect with you. But I would love to first, if you would just share maybe if there's any last words you'd like to leave the listeners with, or if there was perhaps a question that you really wished that I would have asked that I did not.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (29:23):
Hmm. Okay. Would be, yeah. Yeah. The, the last piece, it ties into where we're going, but it feels really alive for me to share. Is that right? We have these wounds that we operate from unconsciously. Right. Kind of what I was saying before about letting past experiences define us. Right. But they can get kind of reified into our personality or like misinterpreted into like, this is who I am or like, this is what always happens to me. Or like I'm unlucky. I, things never go my way. Like I can never make a man stay. I always get abandoned. I right. They become a part of our identity and I call those things, the unicorn wound. Right. And they're typically wounds around those five qualities right. Of specialness uniqueness, like how we're trying to prove ourselves to externally to be validated like, oh, you're, you're so good that, of course you get these things.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (30:22):
So you're so good. Like of course I never want to leave you you're. So this and the right, like all, and it's just seeking of external validation of our worth.. And a lot of times we're operating from that place, but the main kind of message that I feel that I am sending into the world. I want everybody to hear is that though your, your unicorn self is already good is already whole, is already sovereign is already healed, right? Those things are already true for your being the blueprint of who you are. I call that your unicorn blueprint. And it's just a process of remembering that. And that's what I am really passionate about helping people do. Because when you create things from your wounds, from the unicorn wounds, it is on this like shaky foundation. It has a lot of needs and requirements that can never be met externally. Or are definitely going to get let down because that's just what it's like to be on the planet. Versus when you're in your unicorn blueprint and you have that pillar of confidence, self worth it, of knowing of health. Then when you create things from that space, it's different and it's there, right? It's in your body, you already have it. And it's just a matter of remembering.
Amanda Testa (31:42):
So good. Yay. Thank you so much, Elizabeth. I am just thrilled for this amazing, this amazingness that you're creating and I'd love for you to share where everyone can find you and learn more about you and yes. Tell us all the things. Yeah.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (31:56):
Yeah. So I'm on Instagram, mostly. That's where I hang out these days. It's cosmic unicorn academy. My place of unicorn creation is called the unicorn academy. You can look me up on the internet,, but on Instagram, it's @cosmicunicornacademy. If you search the unicorn academy, it'll come up though. And that's a great place to find me. I'm also on Facebook, under Elizabeth Clair de Lune Clair de Lune, like the song. And I have coming up a masterclass, a free masterclass called the unicorn wound. That is about what I had mentioned around the understanding what your wounds are, where they come from, what do they mean really to giving yourself some of that nourishment that you need to transform those. And then we'll spend time attuning you to your north star. Your unicorn blueprint and how to awaken those pieces within you to get you on the path, to take the next step on your path towards your heart's desire, your mission.
Elizabeth Claire De Lune (32:56):
I work with a lot of like creatives who are doing things in the creative community or entrepreneurs. I have a real passion for parenting since I'm a parent as well. So a lot of times people are just like, how do I relate healthily? How do I transform my home life? So it's all around those, those kinds of things. You can find the link to sign up for those on my social is also the unicorn academy, a unicorn quiz on my social, as I mentioned previously, and then coming up, I have a really fun, extensive class on all of the unicorn blueprint. Those five archetypes that we talked about, those five flavors of sovereignty goodness healing, fierce and uniqueness that will then begin in September. That helps you attune to what those are for you, and how you can weave them within your life in all aspects. So in all those links and everything are on my social.
Amanda Testa (33:49):
Beautiful, and I'll make sure to put them all in the show notes as well. And thank you so much again, Elizabeth, and thank you all for tuning in and we'll see you next week. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for listening to the Find Your Feminine Fire podcast. This is your host, Amanda Testa. And if you have felt a calling while listening to this podcast to take this work to a deeper level, this is your golden invitation. I invite you to reach out. You can contact me at, And we can have a heart to heart to discuss more about how this work can transform your life. You can also join us on Facebook and the group find your feminine fire group. And if you've enjoyed this podcast, please share with your friends, go to iTunes and give me a five star rating and a raving review. So I can connect with other amazing listeners like yourself. Thank you so much for being a part of the community.