Do you feel like you do EVERYTHING in your household?
If you’re looking for more sanity and a completely new way to divvy up domestic responsibilites this episode is a must-listen.
I’m thrilled to introduce this week’s podcast guest, Eve Rodsky, author of Fair Play, Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do (and More Life to Live).
Dive into this juicy episode to discover:
What led Eve to create the Fair Play system, and how it can revolutionize the way you run your household.
What is the invisible labor, the second shift that women usually take on, and how much time it really takes to run a household,
Understanding that lists don’t work, but systems do,
How to shift your communication and talk about all the “to do’s” from a value-based perspective to eliminate nagging, and create ownership,
How to approach these conversations with your partner,
Why time is finite for both men and women and should be treated as such,
and get an overview of this powerful system that sets you and your partner up for success in your relationships and parenting, ultimately giving each partner more time to nourish their passions and what makes them unique.
Eve Rodsky received her B.A. in economics and anthropology from the University of Michigan, and her J.D. from Harvard Law School. After working in foundation management at J.P. Morgan, she founded the Philanthropy Advisory Group to advise families and charitable foundations on best practices for their work.
She created the Fair Play system in response to her own need to juggle work and family life when she realized that she could apply her expertise in family mediation, strategy, and organizational management to a problem closer to home.
Over the last decade, she has tested Fair Play with more than 500 families all around the US and the world. Rodsky was born and raised by a single mum in New York City and now lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their three children.
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