80s Parties and REviving Your Desire with Amanda Testa
Ever feel like you've just lost your mojo?
Sometimes a good dose of ole fashion fun can do the trick!
Listen into this mini-episode as I share about reconnecting to my desire thru an 80s party, and what you can do to invite in more fun and aliveness when you're feeling down.
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Amanda Testa is a trusted healer, coach, and guide who’s served hundreds of clients over the years with masterful skills in coaching, pleasure embodiment, and somatic trauma resolution.
After thousands of hours of training in trauma informed sex and relationship coaching, tantric sex coaching, energy healing, somatic trauma resolution, breathwork, yoni egg coaching and more, she’s seen time and time again the magic and wisdom of our bodies.
We all have the ability to return to our blueprint of health, aliveness, pleasure and sovereignty, and you can too.
With her powerful, loving and gentle support her clients find their desire and pleasure again, find safety and bliss in their bodies, and remember they are enough just as they are.
Find out more about her new monthly Pleasure Membership HERE.
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EPISODE 245: 80s Parties and Reviving Your Desire - The Power in Simple Doses of Fun
Amanda Testa: Hello, and welcome to the Find Your Feminine Fire podcast. I am your host, Amanda Testa, and I want to ask you when the last time was that you had so much fun that you just kind of lost track of time. You had so much fun. You laughed. You felt like yourself. For me, this actually happened a couple of weekends ago.
One of my best friends had her birthday, and she decided for her birthday she wanted to have an 80s sleepover, and let me tell you, she does not leave any detail out. So, we got our 80s gear, and we met up at the Airbnb (she rented an Airbnb), and it had an amazing basement. So, just picture this: you walk in this beautiful Airbnb, you go downstairs and there’s a huge basement with a ping-pong table and a hangout area, and she had the karaoke machine setup and all the 80s posters on the walls, and it had a downstairs bar.
Literally, in the 80s, you're in your friend’s basement because their parents let you hang out down there, and she even got on Etsy and got a couple of 80s games like Girl Talk and some kind of Mall Madness game, and we laughed our assess off, oh, my god.
So, first thing’s first, of course, is getting ready together! Remember back in the day when you would all go to somebody’s house and get ready together and put your makeup on and listen to the music and, of course, the epic 80s soundtrack was in the background the entire night, and we had so much fun getting on our 80s clothes, and I have this great T-shirt that I got in the 80s actually, and I will never forget this because every summer we would go to the mountains, and it was this little town called Fontana in North Carolina, and we would go into Cherokee to go shop around and look, and we would always go to these little stores where they have fun T-shirts and everything that we love.
Anyways, so I remember there was someone there doing airbrushing, and I was dying for an airbrushed T-shirt, and my mom was like, “Hell no, I’m not buying you one of those tacky things.” Let me just preface that I grew up in very conservative Southern Georgia. But I wanted this Airbrushed T-shirt so much, and I remember it was probably kind of expensive. It was, like, 40 bucks which was a lot of money back then. I just really wanted it so badly, and I was all sad, and my grandmother, Gran Gran (my dad’s mom), she was like, “I’ll get you that T-shirt, and it was the best. So, picture this: it’s an airbrushed Amanda, pinks and teals, and then the airbrushed image is a panda, and it says “Amanda” underneath it, and it’s one of those T-shirts that’s got the frayed edges.
The edges were frayed, but I needed it to be a little more bedazzled, so to speak. So I got beads, and I put teal and pink beads on the shreds of material. So now, not only is this a T-shirt of fabulousness with airbrushed Amanda Panda, as well as beads so when I moved it would swish together and click and clack, and I was probably ten or eleven years old, and I thought I was the cat’s meow, let me tell you.
So, because I loved that T-shirt so much, it has remained in the costume bin. So, for the 80s party, I whipped out my Amanda Panda T-shirt, which, by the way, now is a crop top. [Laughs] It barely holds my boobs in, but I have the Amanda Panda crop top on and some sparkly hot pink hot pants and leg warmers and all the things. My hair was super hair-sprayed up. It was so much fun.
We laughed, we told stories, we danced our assess off, we did karaoke, and let me tell you, I have not had that much fun in so long. It was so needed. Oh, my god. My soul just felt like it came back online a little bit, and I don't know about you out there, but if you have been through a challenging time (or even just in general, these past few years have been rough), I find, for me, it was just like having that moment to just drop in and be with my friends to laugh. That brings me back to who I am inside, right?
I’m wondering if you can relate to that. Maybe you and your friends have something that you do or times that you've gotten together and just laughed your assess off. Maybe you want more of that, and I can tell you right now that, for me, it just reinspired my joy of having fun, my joy of having fun. Growing up, my dad always told me that I was a balloon looking for a party, and it’s true, right? I love a good time, and I will not shy away from going to find where that fun is, and I think throughout my life it’s easy to get disconnected from that because we can so easily think -- or at least for me, I was very much taught work hard, play hard, right? When you work, you're working, you put your head down, you're grinding, you're moving, you're doing, you're just getting things done. Then, once you're done with the un-fun stuff, then you get to do the fun stuff, right? So, it’s either/or, and I love to invite weaving in. What if you could weave in more business and pleasure together?
What if you could weave in more fun to whatever you’re doing to make it more enjoyable, right? And so, this, my friends, is why I am so committed to inviting fun people to do fun things, and I am super excited because I am launching my pleasure membership! This thing has been years in the making. I’ve been wanting to do this for so long because what is one of my favorite things to do? Fun people doing fun things and doing practices where we can engage in something fun together is so key.
And so, what The Pleasure Foundation is is a membership where you will get to join me virtually, twice a month, for a fun pleasurable activity. Maybe it’s breathwork. Maybe it’s a pleasure practice. Maybe it’s a dance party. Whatever it is, it’s gonna be lit, it’s gonna be fun, it’s gonna invite the most fun part of you to come online, to invite who you really are to come online. So, I hope you will join me.
The Pleasure Foundation is starting this month! So, you can find more at amandatesta.com/tpf (like The Pleasure Foundation). Better yet, invite your friends to join, too, because, obviously, when we’re having a good time, it’s more fun when we do it with our friends, right? [Laughs] Like the 80s sleepover? It would have been fun by myself, but it was way better to have six girlfriends there, laughing our assess off, having the best time in the photo booth. You’ll have to check out my Instagram. I put up some good pictures of my 80s attire. You can actually see the Amanda Panda shirt in action if you go to my Instagram @abtesta.
So, check it out, and thank you again for listening, and I hope you will join me in The Pleasure Foundation. We will see you next week!