SEnsual Self Care for STressful Times
I get it, life is crazy right now. Things are turned upside down in so many ways.
If you're feeling overwhelmed, then this podcast is going to deliver six sensual self care strategies to feel deeply connected to the part of you that feels strong and knows you can get through anything... your sacred power, your unbreakable core, building resiliency and trust.
Tune in to feel supported to find calm in the chaos, so there is less tension and stress in your home, and find more playfulness and pleasure in a doable way, so you can actually enjoy the time of togetherness with the people you love most.
In this episode you'll discover
I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve been feeling a bit like a caged animal.
I’ve been doing surprisingly well during all this craziness, but I also feel a shift in a longing. A deep longing for things to be easier again. To feel safe going out in the world the way I want to. To be able to travel and see my loved ones.
I also have been experiencing all the feels, the ups and downs, the fear and the economic distress, the joy and the closeness of my family, spending such wonderful time with my daughter, and the moments of bliss with my husband.
I’m just so grateful this all didn’t go down 15 years ago - I would be in a totally different spot. I used to live in a constant state of anxiety, I felt disgusting in my body, battled an eating disorder for years, numbed with alcohol, and felt trapped in a terrible relationship. (basically, I was miserable , but I did a great job of hiding all this, the 20 pounds of extra weight was the only external evidence)
Throughout it all, there was a part of me who knew that relationship wasn’t right, who knew I could honor my body and treat it with love. a part who was strong and had an intense will to survive. That same part has shown up in my life time and time again when things feel helpless, dark, and hopeless.
We all have this part inside of us. Our unbreakable core, the divine light inside of us, our original essence or original blueprint that is designed to grow and thrive, to fully love and experience life to the fullest.
Sometimes when life is stressful, it’s really hard to find that part of us. The part that can be calm and respond lovingly to our kids when they interrupt an important zoom call, vs. SHHHHing with eyes like daggers when they try to get your attention. The part that can see the bigger picture when your partner starts a fight, knowing they are just stressed too, and having compassion and empathy for them. The part that can keep you connected to joy and pleasure amidst the pain and chaos of the world. The part that can be a beacon of light for your family.
It’s not always easy, but the more we can connect to that powerful unbreakable core within us, the more we have the trust and resilience to get through anything with grace.
Now my life looks totally different. I’m married to the most amazing man, who adores me and treats me like a Queen, I have a beautiful daughter who’s fiery spirit is the light of my days, (and who keeps me on my toes), I love myself like never before, every part and piece of me, and I have amazing friendships and a powerful community of support.
All these things took effort, and a new way of being, that I learned by reaching out for help when times were hard. I had to learn to ask for help, and then learn to receive that help.
I learned the most cutting edge, transformative tools out there, and because I use them every day, I’m a totally different person than I was 15 years ago. The amount of patience, confidence, and resilience I have continues to blow me away.
Look, I want everyone to be able to have the capacity to find more pleasure in their lives, to have the chance to be deeply connected to themselves and their loved ones. To have epic relationships and a powerful community of support.
I want you to feel how deeply, completely, and fully you are loved, that you belong, that you are enough, and that you are powerful beyond measure.
This is why I’ve created this offer of love, and my heart fully wants to call in the women who are also desiring connection, support, and helpful tools for resilience and joy during this time.
Nourish is a 6 week group coaching sisterhood, starting May 8th. We will meet at noon MST each Friday of these six weeks to connect to our unbreakable core, to find support, and to have FUN.
Listen, this is for you if you want to connect with your unbreakable core and live life from this place. If you want to find more pleasure during this stressful time. If you want to feel supported by myself and other amazing women in this powerful program, and discover some of the most powerful ways connect to the Queen of Womanhood within you, please join us.
You can learn more and sign up HERE.
I know deep in my heart, the more of us who are showing up in this crazy time strong, supported, fully resilient and resourced, fully connected to their most empowered self, the more quickly we will emerge from this experience stronger and more connected as a whole than ever.
This world needs us at our best right now. Who do you want to be when this is all over? How do you want to be remembered by your family during this time? Let’s become stronger, more empowered, more joyful together.
Join us here.
Here’s what I want you to know, whether or not you join us, you are loved. You are important and powerful, and I’m so grateful to have you as part of the community.
Sending so much love,
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