How to Talk to Your Partner About Sex (Without It Feeling Awkward or Leading to a Fight)
With Amanda Testa
🎙️ Episode 330: How to Talk to Your Partner About Sex (Without It Feeling Awkward or Leading to a Fight)
Have you ever wanted to talk to your partner about sex but felt totally awkward, unsure, or even a little scared to bring it up? Maybe you’ve tried, but it led to defensiveness, frustration, or straight-up avoidance instead of deeper intimacy.
If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone.
Even the most confident, high-achievers (yes, you!) can freeze up when it comes to expressing desires in the bedroom. We overthink, we worry about being too much, or we fear rejection… and so we just don’t say anything at all.
But here’s the thing—how we talk about sex is just as important as the sex itself.
That’s why, in this week’s episode of Find Your Feminine Fire, you’ll discover the exact tools and scripts you need to talk about sex with confidence, clarity, and ease—without making your partner feel defensive or shutting down.
You’ll Discover:
— How to bring up intimacy in a way that feels natural and inviting
— Why nervous system regulation is key to sexual communication
— The biggest mistakes we make when discussing sex—and how to avoid them
— Playful, low-pressure ways to make intimacy talks fun and ongoing
Your pleasure matters. Your desires are valid. And you deserve a relationship where you feel deeply connected—inside and outside the bedroom.
Are you ready to take the next step in bringing back the passion to yourself + your relationship?
If you are ready to take the next step in reigniting your passion and enhancing your relationship then book your Free consultation call here.
About Your Host:
My name is Amanda Testa, and I’m a Sex, Love, and Relationship Expert + Trauma Resolution Guide.
My goal is to support you to heal your relationship to your sexuality so you can eliminate shame and guilt, own your sexy confidence, feel like a Goddess/Goddex in your skin, and have the deeply connected relationships you desire.
My unique proven process, The Feminine Fire Method™ combines the latest in neuroscience and somatic healing with ancient practices to facilitate rapid and lasting transformation. I’m also a Mama to a spunky 12 year old, Wife to my sexy hubs, and lover of outdoor adventure and live music.
I believe deep in my soul is that sexuality is the missing key in personal growth and development.
I believe your sexuality and sexual energy fuels your creativity, confidence, and power. It is a vital part of your holistic health and vitality.
When we own our sexual power our pleasure and creativity flourishes. Our confidence and body image soars.
Our relationships deepen.
And when you can connect to that power in yourself, it’s life-changing.
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Pssstttt…I’m now booking coaching clients for 1-1 support in creating the relationship and pleasure of their dreams.
If you’ve been thinking about it, maybe we should talk! Click to book a free call to see if we’re a fit.
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