Many of us deal with emotional eating but most of us suffer alone due to the shame that comes with emotional eating and food addiction. Simply losing weight or creating a food plan isn’t going to address the underlying issues that cause emotional eating and food addiction. This episode is all about a different way to think about emotional eating and food addiction so that you can get to the root of the problem and recover.
In this week’s podcast, I am talking with Tricia Nelson, author of Heal Your Hunger: 7 Simple Steps to End Emotional Eating Now and emotional eating expert. Tricia has helped hundreds of people overcome a variety of eating disorders and addictions. She isn’t just an academic expert on the topic, she has personal experience with it as well that started with overeating and other destructive behaviors when she was young. By creating a lifestyle steeped in positive self-care, self-love, and improved self-esteem, Tricia was able to stop drinking and overeating.
In this episode you’ll learn…
- What led Tricia to this work.
- What Tricia tried to try to overcome her overeating and why none of it worked.
- How Tricia found the help she needed and recognized that her problem had nothing to do with food, it was much deeper than that.
- The 3 driving emotions for the emotional eater.
- How many emotional eaters use food to treat pain.
- How some emotional eaters use food to escape due to fear.
- The connection between anxiety and emotional eating.
- The counterintuitive way some emotional eaters use food as a punishment.
- The difference between emotional eating and food addiction.
- The impact that emotional eating has on our self-esteem.
- How to determine where you fall on the emotional eating – food addiction spectrum and what steps you can take next.
- Steps you can take to beat emotional eating.
- Mistakes people make when trying to beat their emotional eating.
- Why you shouldn’t try to fix this problem on your own.
- Why a food plan or diet alone isn’t going to fix overeating.
- 24 personality traits that make up the anatomy of the emotional eater.
- The interesting connection between emotional eating and people pleasing.
- What hunger means beyond food.
- The different ways we try to fill the voids within us.
Take the Quizz HERE:
Are You An Emotional Eater or A Food Addict Quiz
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